Fall Back Into Shape

Cool weather has arrived! You can now enjoy the outdoors without sweating through your clothes.  For Gainesville residents, this also means we have the perfect weather to get back into a workout routine.  There is no better way to enjoy the outdoors than through a light jog or other outdoor workout. Why not let technology help you? We have complied a list of great web sites and apps to help you find a healthy workout routine and track your progress.  Looking forward to hearing which fitness trackers you like best!
Nano Workouts:  Ever tried to workout during a red light? Or while taking a shower? Use these nano workouts to bring exercise into the mundane, everyday tasks of your life.

Couch to 5K:  Use this progressive training program to move from the couch to a 5K runner.  With a 9-week workout program, you can pace yourself slowly into becoming an active runner. Available online or as an app.

Fitocracy:  This fitness tracker integrates the concept of gaming and a fitness social network to boost your motivation.  Boasting over 900 workouts, there is something for every skill set and motivation level.

Workout Generator:  After a small survey, this web site will make a personalized workout for your fitness level.  You can choose what equipment to use, time you desire to spend, and part of the body to target.

Johnson & Johnson 7-minute Workout: Visit any of Gainesville’s beautiful parks to complete these workouts.  With instructive videos and a numberless timer, you will be able to complete these workouts quickly and effectively.

Zombies, Run!:  Does running bore you? Use this app to run from a simulated zombie invasion.  Each training segment progresses your running workout and has tasks for you to rescue humanity.

Follow us on Facebook to see the other apps we didn’t have space to share!


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