Maintenance Corner | Tips for Pets Owners

Whether you just bought a home or a new pet, it can be tough to keep your home both pet-friendly and organized. Most of the time, pet’s do not need a lot of maintenance, just care, and attention. It is important to create a pet-friendly home that is comfortable for you while providing for your pet.

If you are needing a little extra help with maintaining your pet-friendly home, here are some helpful tips that help to keep your pet happy, while keeping your house in order.

Pet Friendly Flooring

Whether you are installing new flooring or updating old flooring, there are lots of options to consider. As a pet owner, ensuring that you pick the best flooring for your pests should be near the top of your list.

Pets can be hard on your flooring. Their nails can leave scratches. Accidents can cause staining and result in odors that just won’t disappear. Not to mention shedding. Floors need to be cleaned regularly and thoroughly.

So, unless you plan on banishing your pet to the backyard, you do need to do your research and pick the option best for both of you.

Top 5 Pet- Friendly Flooring Options:

Each option has pros and cons, but with a little research, you will find the perfect flooring for your home

Clean up stains

Pet urine can leave odor and stains on carpet or furniture so it’s best to clean it up right away to prevent long-term effects. You can use a homemade solution of 1 cup water mixed with 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid or store-bought stain and odor remover.

To remove fresh stains, blot the affected area with a clean cloth to absorb as much fluid as possible. Then, spray the homemade solution or store-bought stain remover onto the stained area. If you’re using the homemade solution, rinse it off by blotting it with a dampened clean cloth. Most store-bought solutions are enzyme products, which means that those are loaded with dormant bacteria that can break down organic matter that’s causing the stain and odor.

Don’t forget to add shaving cream to your clean-up kit. If you aren’t careful, you could spend a ton trying out every last “miracle” pet stain product, but shaving cream works best, even on the toughest stains such as dog vomit and cat pee. Make sure to use foam, not gel- Barbasol is a great option. Simply spray the stain, let it sit and foam for a minute, and then wipe with warm water.

Store Food Properly

Ants love pet food! If you don’t want an army of these pests marching around your house to scavenge for food, ant-proof your pet’s food bowl. The easiest way to do this is to set the food bowl in a pan of water.

To keep your pet’s food items organized, choose a cubby area in your kitchen where you can keep daily food and treats stored. Additionally, store the pet food in a container with a tight lid. This is to keep the food fresh and the feeding area tidy.

Blankets & Bedding

When your pet's bedding, rug, blanket, and toys become soiled, it’s best to put it in the washer right away. This way, the dirt doesn’t pile up so it’s easier to keep everything nice and tidy.

If there are lots of hair and other debris in the bed or blanket, be sure to take it outside first and shake it off. Watch for fleas! If you notice any fleas, you’ll want to treat your pet with an anti-flea spray or shampoo before it gets worse. Be sure to thoroughly clean bedding or replace it.

To make this mundane, but necessary chore a little easier, check out the best bedding options Amazon has to offer.

HVAC Systems

Fur and dander can wreak havoc on your HVAC system. To make sure you don’t compromise air quality and your family’s comfort, your HVAC system has to perform optimally too. Be sure to regularly change your filter. You may want to consider upgrading your air filter. If you have a pet inside the house, an air filter with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of at least 8 is the way to go. These types of air filters can catch allergens and small particles like dander, ensuring excellent indoor air quality  

Pets are amazing to have around the house. They fill our days with joy and laughter. But owning a pet means taking care of things you may not have considered otherwise. Fortunately, if you have the maintenance habits down pat, you’ll soon find that these chores are a small price to pay for all the adoration and love you’ll be getting in return.

Ashley Cook

Assistant Property Manager


Blog, pet flooring, pet food storage, pet friendly bedding, pet owners, pet stains, wood floors

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