Landlord Permit Fee is Going Down!

Thanks to the hard work of the Property Management Council and the Political Involvement Committee,  the Landlord Permit Fee is scheduled to be reduced in the next two years until it is cost neutral.

They were also able to secure further exemptions including: exempting owners living on the property, allowing the transfer of permits, removing outrageous late fees, and putting in a multiple units/parcel discount.

For those who were not aware of this issue, according to a 2015 independent fee study that the City commissioned, the cost per permit is only $112.71. The landlord permit fee went from $84 in 2006-2007 to $177 in 2007-2008 and the city continued to raise the cost to the current price of $204.75 in 2016. It was found that the services don’t match the fee making it unchecked taxation. For the full story, please click below.

Help Us Lower the Gainesville Landlord permit fee!


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