March 2017 Words From Our Broker

March 2017 Words From Our Broker | Brokers Corner with Tanya Chappell

And so it begins……. barely into spring and the market is blooming!!! We are knee-deep in the middle of renewing leases and putting properties on the sales and rental market.

Watering on the run

This year we started renewing leases several months early because…. ya know what they say about the early bird….. But in this case the early bird gets the responsible tenants and the renewal lease paperwork work out-of-the-way so you can focus on sales and getting properties ready for new occupants.

If you followed the advice of previous newsletters that suggested getting started with whatever makeovers you need to make your property ready, it should be ripe for taking advantage of this spring’s buyers and renters. We currently have about a 3 1/2 months supply of inventory on the market making this a very strong sellers’ market. Interest rates are still down, and even though there is always the looming threat of the Fed raising the rate soon, I don’t see a little rate increase affecting what’s shaping up to be a beautiful bloom of spring activity. (Ok, I’ll stop with the corny spring references but I can’t help it, this absolutely gorgeous weather has my mind consumed). If you’re not quite ready to sell or rent and need some advice, give us a call and we can go over your home’s rental and sales value and also make recommendations on upgrades and their cost so you can make a fully informed decision.

Spring on the river is especially beauEnjoying the weathertiful. This is our first spring here on the Suwannee. The crisp cool mornings gently warm into a bright sunny day that leaves my face sunburnt while I lose all track of time working on my laptop from the deck. Often I start with my morning coffee and it’s 3 o’clock before I look up again wondering why I’m so hungry. I put together a little video below of this past Saturday. There were 50 racing boats using our front yard/waterfront as a dragstrip and meeting up at Sandy Point just around the bend where the Santa Fe enters the Suwanee. Later, up the Santa Fe River, we had a friendly family of manatees swimming around us at the mouth of the Ichetucknee.

Living on the river makes every day feel like a vacation day. Hoping your spring is as wonderful.

Tanya Chappell
Broker Owner
Secure Investments Realty and Management
Over 30 Years in Property Management | Gainesville FL area


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