Recently, CHW Professional Consultants provided the members of Gainesville-Alachua County Association of Realtors with a presentation overview of the development activity in Gainesville and Alachua County areas.

Gainesville/Alachua County Development Overview.
Have you been wondering when all this construction in Gainesville is going to come to an end? Well according to CHW Consultants that won’t be anytime soon.
Gerry Dedenbach, Vice President of CHW, a professional Consulting firm gave a very informative presentation at the Board of Realtors, November General Membership Meeting.
Dig into this report to see the number of permits to date for the City of Gainesville, University of Florida and Alachua County.

291 Permits pulled between July 2016 and July 2018 for Major Commercial Development Projects.

This slide is showing the total amount of permits for all construction since 2013. Notice that the 2018 permits is as only through July 2018. Only half way through the year 2018. This is showing we are on track to eclipse previous years in almost all areas.

The value of permits for Major projects shown in dollar value by the Millions. Keep in mind this is only halfway through the current year. WOW! 2018 is on track to be a record breaking year.

It’s probably not surprising to see Health Care and Education making the list but what is note-able is the retail and office comeback.

Single family residential construction has already surpassed the previous three years.

Notice the attached Single Family homes and Multi family homes in the last few years. This is a direct result of the comprehensive plan to require mixed use projects. The "Live Work Play" concept that we love so much like Town of Tioga and Haile Plantation.

The value of Residential construction in Alachua County is on track to surpass the last 10 years.

Gainesville and Alachua County has become a very popular place to live and retire because of the many Cultural and Educational opportunities, Ease of access to Top Health Care, Beauty of the many Springs and Parks, Only an hour from either coast and the low cost of living. This trend will continue.