February 2017 Words From Our Broker

February 2017 Words From Our Broker | Brokers Corner with Tanya Chappell

Wow! Is it really spring again so soon? Well it is for us here in the Gainesville and Alachua county area. Trees and flowers are not just budding, they are blooming! Is it just me or did winter seem to go by very quickly? It’s supposed to reach 80 degrees today and close to it for the rest of the week. I’m so grateful to be living and working in this beautiful part of Florida. Maybe it has to do with the large amount of rain we had in the last few months. Check out the video links below of the Suwannee river.  It is now close to its high marks due to the opening of the Okefenokee swamp damn to allow that area to drain. We’ve got all kinds of debris and other interesting things floating down the river. I also included some pictures of our deck renovations that is turning out beautifully!!

This season is also loaded with sales activity. We talked last month about making your plans to prepare your properties so this month is the time for action. We are currently working with a couple handfuls of owners by helping them prepare their property for the best possible performance on the sales market. You can stay tuned to future newsletters for some before and after videos.

Because we are so well practiced in taking care of properties and improving their value through mini renovations, it’s an easy process for us to help you determine your property’s best market value and what improvements would be needed to get you there. But you can also do this on your own if you have the time and the resources. You don’t want to wait too long because repair people will be in high demand as we get closer and closer to spring and summer.  It will be difficult to get people in and out quickly once summer hits so that you don’t lose money with the additional time.

Of course you can also Google how to do just about anything yourself if you’re so inclined. Remember to take into consideration the quality of materials you use will strongly affect the value.  Having a good eye for putting materials and colors together to create a quality beatification project can more than pay for itself. Take a look at the potential value with improvements and without to decide if it is worth your time and effort. You may decide your not up to investing the time, energy, stress, inconvenience and money needed to make the upgrades your property needs and instead want to sell the property as is at a reduced price. Be prepared to justify your pricing with comps and estimates for needed repairs because today’s buyers are very savvy and your property sitting for months on the market overpriced can be a huge financial loss that’s avoidable when the property is priced and prepared correctly.

We are always happy to help you sell or rent your property and are very experienced at handling everything for you smoothly and quickly!

Click here to see more pictures

Tanya Chappell
Broker Owner
Secure Investments Realty and Management
Over 30 Years in Gainesville FL Property Management Services


Blog, newsletter, sales market

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