Homesnap App for Buyers | Sellers | Investors

With Homesnap App Search for a home from any location

or see how much your home is worth!

Secure Investments Realty App search for homes
Find out why millions of people use Homesnap, the same app used by Realtors®.  It is the real estate industry's leading national search portal with 5 star reviews! This app features the same real-time information that real estate agents use. 

How Secure Investments Realty partners with you

Get an instant market snapshot of your home or to connect to us about a one you are interested in.  Whether you are buying or selling, this app is simple and easy to use! Just snap a photo of the home you are interested in and obtain the property details including from the MLS! You will quickly learn why this app is used by Real Estate Agents, you get access to the same data! 

Sellers - Snap a photo of your home and get an instant market snapshot.  For a more thorough home value report click here.

Buyers - Take a photo from inside the app of a home or neighborhood you are interested in. It will provide you details including MLS information if it is listed. 
Download Homesnap App Today

Explore real-time data & be the first to know with alerts

Click on the details of a listing to view HD photos, school attendance zones, property lines, property history, and much more. It will even provide you information if the home is not listed for sale! Take advantage of the alerts and market update features for the cities, towns, zip codes or areas you want to track. Be the first to know!

This app allows you to share homes with friends and family even if they do not have the app. If they reply to you, the message will go directly back to the app. 

You can also communicate with us! If you have questions or would like to schedule a showing, you can make a request directly from the dashboard. 

Check out our online tenant portal

Secure Investments Realty and Management Corp. invests in the latest technology to help our owners, buyers, sellers and investors. 


buyers, homesnap app, Investors, secure investments realty, sellers, Tanya Chappell

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