Social Media 101: Twitter

twitter social media 101

  • Recommended posting frequency: 3 times a day
  • Moves faster than other social media sites
  • Messages are limited to 140 characters
  • Anyone can follow your profile
  • Content is searchable through #hashtags


  • Tweet: a message posted on Twitter, consisting of 140 characters or less; pictures, text, or videos can be included
  • @name : an individual’s user name also known as their handle; can be used to talk or tweet at other users
  • Hashtag: any word or phrase without spaces, beginning with the # symbol; used to organize conversations and make it easier to find all content related to a given topic
  • Re-tweet: Sending another’s person’s tweet out under your profile
  • Mention:  Including another user’s handle in your tweet, either by asking someone a question, thanking them or to highlight a piece of content from their profile
  • Favorite: A way to show that you enjoyed or liked someone’s message, similar to a like on Facebook

Profiles to learn from

Tips for business use

  • Analytics:
  • Use at least one hashtag to make it easier for others to discover your business
  • Create lists of local news and business twitter accounts to find content
  • Re-tweet articles as link clicks account for 93% of user interaction
  • Keep tweets short and informative to grab audience’s attention
  • Most users are on mobile devices so make content mobile-friendly
  • Follow others and start “tweeting” at them to boost your online presence
  • Use the 80/20 rule for posting content (80% of interaction should be with followers such as re-tweets or favorites and 20% can be direct promotions about your company)

Great resources to learn more about Twitter



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