Broker's Corner with Tanya Chappell December 2020
Happy holidays!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year. That does seem to be the theme this year.... everybody is more than ready to be done with 2020. It's definitely been a tumultuous year.
Even though Covid is still around, the newness of mask-wearing and social distancing has faded away and now has become our new normal. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes "what you resist persists" when I googled who made the quote I came up with Carl Jung. But it also came up with a slew of other psychotherapists' articles on the subject.
My favorite author and mentor Michael Singer will tell you when you resist feeling emotional pain it creates energy blockages called Samskaras and those blocked energies will dampen our spirit and create real illness in our body if you don't let it go.
The Buddhists believe that it is our preferences in life that create pain. They use the term "suffering". But secular Buddhism feels the term "discomfort" more correctly describes the meaning of the kind of suffering the Buddhists are talking about.
Christianity encourages you not to worry over problems but to leave them in God's hands and he will guide you through it in a manner that will be better than you could have ever imagined.
I believe all of it. I believe most religions of the world try to teach us why it's better to accept life as it is. To make lemonade out of lemons. We're wired that way as humans. We have emergent cells that drive us to overcome. So as we all think about being glad 2020 is over try to remember life is short and if you or a loved one were on their death bed you wouldn't want to waste a single minute of the time you have waiting and wishing for another day to come.
As we move into 2021 it would be helpful to keep in mind that The problem is never the problem. It's our response to the problem that's a problem. We need to learn resilience. To be ok with what is? We don't have to like it but we must let it in to let it pass. Sit with the pain of discomfort. Befriend it even. I didn't intend to wake up this Monday morning after all of the Christmas festivities and start trying to talk like a philosopher to you but as I think about what I would like to share in the last broker's corner of this year my thoughts drift to how a lot of people just wants the year to be over, like magically in 2021 all problems will be gone. It makes me wish that everyone would know how to be at peace and to be happy despite life's blows.
There is a chant/song that sings that very tune
I'll get off my soapbox but let me end my little rant with this thought I like to share in every one of my Yoga classes.
Our default mode is for our minds to constantly be thinking. It thinks about real and imagined problems. You literally have to practice calming and quieting the mind of worry so you can hear your intuitive self guide you in a manner much higher than your thinking mind can. We practice this in my Yoga class by focusing on breath work and releasing the stress of the poses through the breath. The more you practice the easier it becomes. Just like anything you do in life. The beauty of the breath-work is the more you do it the longer your able to hold your concentration on the breath enabling the mind to clear so your deeper, more intuitive thoughts that hold a higher vibration can surface out of this quiet space to guide you.
We all know that we can feel when somebody has tense energy just as we can feel when someone is feeling joyous. Our energy holds a vibration that can be felt more than 6 feet around you. Which person do you want to stand next to? The best thing we can do for our family and friends is to raise our own vibration. In doing so you raise the vibration of everyone you come into contact with. Wouldn't it be nice if we started a Pandemic of peace in 2021?
A favorite quote by Lau Tzu says "He who controls others may be powerful but he who has mastered himself is mightier still". It does all start with us. One person can make a difference in this way.
This year we are having a New Year's Eve party/camp out, here on the Suwannee River. We like providing a place friends and family can celebrate safely. We will have a traditional fire ceremony where we write down on a piece of paper something we would like to let go of in the new year and we throw it into the fire. We will end the fire ceremony with the Lokah Chant mentioned above. Then we will send this intention out into the world by lighting and setting free Chinese lanterns. I'll go live with it on my Yoga Page right around 8:30 so those that want can join us in raising the vibration of the world.
I wish you all a very peaceful New Year. I am so grateful to everyone that makes my life so rich and my business possible.
Thank you to all of the Sellers and Landlords that trust us to manage and sell their very important investments.
Thank you to all of the tenants and buyers who allow us to help them with one of the most precious things in their life. Their home.
Thank you so much to the many vendors that help take care of the properties that are entrusted to us.
Thank you so much to my team Tianna Souza and Ashley Cook for for their support and genuine desire to take care of our clients and thier homes.
Thank you to all of my Realtor friends and peers that continue to support, mentor, and challenge me.
Thank you to my Volleyball family for years of friendship, good health, and stimulating growth through competition.
Thank you to my yoga students that take time out of their day to share their beautiful energy with me as we strengthen our bodies and quiet our minds.
I am so very very grateful for the love and support of my family and friends. Because of them my life is so rich and filled with joy that knows no limits. They make my heart literally bubble over at times.
Thank you, for receiving and reading my Newsletter. I wish you all peace and Joy now and into the new year and forever. Cheers to 2021!!!

Tanya Chappell
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