Broker's Corner with Tanya Chappell December 2019
Secure Investments Realty and Management
Do you feel the lighter air out there? It's refreshing after this stagnant hot and humid record-breaking Summer heat. There's no mistaking fall is here with its subtle difference in humidity level and occasional cool breeze (even with temps still in the mid-'90s.) this morning it was in the '60s. And "Boom!" just like that Fall is here. I'm planning my camping trip already.
With Fall comes a slight slow down in activity in both the rental and sales markets. I have always found every year once the kids are in school and everybody's getting settled into their new routines the market slows down a bit. That's traditionally been from the end of August through September. Activity usually starts picking up a little bit in October but then things die down again around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So if you are planning on putting your property on the market for rent or for sale you would want to capture that October market for sure. It doesn't mean things won't rent or sell after that it's just much slower and so less demand equals lower prices.
I, of course, love this time a year not only because of the feel of the cooler season but also because we get time to reflect on the past year and look for ways to improve our services.
When you're running around flipping a bunch of houses there's really not a lot of time to be creative and I don't know about you guys but it's difficult for me to flip back-and-forth. That's why this newsletter is always such a struggle for me because I have to get out of my analytical mind and into my creative mind. For me, that means having all of those other things on my to-do list done first. I know that's probably not the best way to go about something I deem so important. Is it that way for you too? Any tips you want to throw my way I'll listen.
We have invested in some additional marketing and contact management software this year to help give us better opportunities for more touches throughout the year with our owners and tenants. Our new contact management software is called Lions Desk and it will allow us to keep you updated more often on your rental property. We will also be able to keep in touch with our tenants better throughout the year letting them know of good maintenance tips, troubleshooting guides and guides to property ownership.
For those of our owners and tenants who may be looking to buy or sell in the next few years, we have some programs to keep you up-to-date on the market and tips to get you ready for that final day. Including free help on credit repair.
We have done a lot this year with upgrading our web site to better serve our customers and we will continue to do so and share those tools with you. Along with our easier to read blogs we've included an investor site and buyers site to help inform you. We have added in chat bots and saved searches as well as automated quick property valuation report that you can set to update you regularly. We have beefed up all the social media marketing of our properties whether for rent or sale. It is all very exciting and a bit mind blowing to learn it all. Thank goodness for the slower season so we can put these new tools to work and learn every inch of them.
Of course, it's never all work no play with me so I keep it all in balance with regular doses of yoga and volleyball and fun on the river with the family. Here are a few pictures of typical "Thursday!" Diner at Tree beach just upstream from our place. And some last days of fun at Bob's river downstream before he closes for the season and other fun pics. Hope your enjoying Fall too.
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Check out our homepage for links to all of the property management services we provide. We service outside of the Gainesville FL area. Our website has information for all of our clients. Investors, Owners, Buyers, Sellers and Tenants.
We strive to offer the superior service and to keep and earn future business from your referrals.
Our featured article provides tips and insight to our current and future investors looking to fix and flip property or renovate and rent! Both options are lucrative and if you have interest in these types of purchases please get in contact with us. You can reach out to us via our contact page, the sidebar contact form on this article or by texting and or calling 352-478-8029.
We will be more than happy to provide you a free home evaluation. There is not any obligation to hire us for our services, but we one of the top rental management companies Gainesville FL.
Property Management Gainesville FL