Hi all!
It’s a beautiful clear brisk 60-degree morning with lots of colors on the trees and One of the most beautiful times to be on the river. The boat traffic is minimal this time of year with mainly just locals. The river was flooded through most of the summer but now it’s at a normal lower level

The real estate market is also quieter. Historically The market does slow down during the later fall and winter months in both rental and sales. However, we didn’t get that break last year. With the pandemic in full swing in 2020, it seemed like there was a frenzy of people wanting to move and buy or rent homes. This current lull is a sure sign that the market is starting to adjust, if ever so slightly. This means property appreciation rates will also slow its rapid growth. It’ll be interesting to see if it is a temporary slowdown and returns to a frenzied pace in Spring or if we’ve evened out and are going to get back to a normal rate of appreciation.
In our office, this time of the year is a time of planning and fine-tuning policies and procedures. It’s funny, when I talk to other Property managers in the market we laugh as we say that, because we know we’re just getting back to a normal manageable speed of work life.

I hope you enjoyed our life hacks articles and helpful apps that we like to use. I used one of my hacks to put together the video below of our recent trip to Fort Walton Beach for the annual Fudpuckers Fall Classic Beach Volleyball Tournament. It’s a four-day tournament consisting of doubles Thursday, coed fours Friday, Men's/Women’s fours Saturday then the last day is the playoff for the Men’s/Women’s fours. It’s funny because as you watch the video you can tell when the weather is good and there is ball control versus the last day when we’re all just trying to get the darn ball over the net in 20 mph winds!! I don’t know of anything that makes me feel like more of a fool than playing volleyball in the wind! But I’m a sucker for volleyball so I’ll play in any weather!!
As I write this, I’m getting ready to play in a women's sand doubles tourney at Sand Key Beach this weekend which is a notoriously shell-filled, hard-packed beach that leaves your knees, feet, and elbows cut up!! I think I’m going to bring knee pads and tennis shoes to this one. With the hard rain they’re getting right now it’s sure to be hard-packed. I don’t mind looking like a fool to save my body some injuries!!

Wish me luck!
Tanya Chappell Broker/Owner [email protected]
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