So how did 2021 go for you? Did you accomplish everything you set out to, or did it stink? When looking forward to 2022, how are you going to be more productive? Are you hoping 2022 is ‘the year’?
To be more productive, it's vital to choose activities that spark your interest and spend time to enhance skills and learn, rendering you more productive at what you do best!
Try these 3 tips to get you started.
1. Five Minute Miracle.

The key to beating procrastination is focus. While it may seem like multi-tasking allows you to cheat the system and get a lot of things done at once, we actually end up working slower and producing lower quality work due to the lack of attention.
Follow this five-minute mediation practice with Neil Seligman and take time out of our busy schedule to optimize focus and productivity.
2. Get fit.

A healthy mind needs a healthy body to function. Help yourself with these downloadable apps to get you started and check out Tianna’s article this month in What the Free?! She has found a bunch of gyms and group fitness classes that are offering free and limited trial membership.
3. Start Today

We often give ourselves too many things to do and become overwhelmed. Start by choosing just ONE. Start a hobby or a task today and commit to it.
This task manager tool will be of huge help to keep you on track.
We often give ourselves too many things to do and become overwhelmed. Start by choosing just ONE. Start a hobby or a task today and commit to it. This task manager tool will be of huge help to keep you on track.

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. It is the force that prevents you from following through on what you set out to do. Human beings have been procrastinating for centuries. The problem is so timeless but there are a variety of tools we can use to help you to stop procrastinating. Below are listed tools to help you overcome and make your daunting tasks much easier to do.

RescueTime's main app is a powerful desktop time tracker and productivity tool that shows you the exact time you've spent on websites, apps, and projects and how productive you're being. Once you connect your account, you'll be able to see all this data and more right from your phone!

Meet CARROT, the world's first to-do list with a personality. You keep this sadistic AI construct happy by getting things done in real life. She'll reward you. But be careful!
It allows you to develop ideas quickly and expand on ideas easily. Besides creating logical and complex mind maps, you can use it for simpler things like writing a quick summary, preparing for a speech or meeting, etc.

It’s a simple app that allows you to track how much time you spend working on each project. It is an intuitive and easy-to-use service that gives you exactly the tools you need for tracking time spent on tasks.

Nowadays most of our external distractions come from our mobile devices. You’re more likely to start procrastinating if you’re interrupted by calls, notifications, or texts. It is easy to loose hours scrolling social media.
The app is designed to let you unplug without missing urgent matters. It lets you whitelist contacts who are able to pierce through your downtime, like your spouse or children, but otherwise shuts down apps, calls, texts, and emails. It can also auto-respond to incoming messages on your behalf, while maintaining a careful activity log of everything you missed while away so you can quickly catch up.

While procrastination might not be something you can avoid entirely, using these powerful apps can help. By implementing these strategies, you might find that it is easier to put your nose to the grindstone and get started on those important tasks.